Thursday, July 16, 2015

It has been a Super Two Year much to catch up on!

David took an exciting position at Curtin University in Perth Australia June 2013
We have been enjoying this beautiful country ever since!

Beautiful view of the city across the Swan River

Nothing can beat a western sunset.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Getting Around

Fantastic bike paths just two jogs down from where we are staying....Love it!

I'm pretty spiffy in my Green Keds I tell ya.

Our bikes faithfully await...mine is the blue one, could you guess? I was going to call it Duane but settled on Maggie.

OK so this is the view from our front window...I know, I know poor me! In my defense I have been here almost 2 weeks and have not yet gone for a dip....I think that's going to change soon though!!

Our Tiny Apartment

Welcome to our space....cozy!

Quite the Southwestern bed cover huh? and yes, that is my practice stand in the corner and yes, I have made use of it!

My work station and streamlined kitchen

David's work site...tres cush.

Scottsdale 2011

"Our Park" the view from our bedroom's balcony

David gave us a scare and spent three nights in the hospital. He was the Perfect Patient and Christine was an excellent nurse...we are very thankful all is looking good!

Back "home", feeling MUCH better, doing the daily balcony crosswords....we get the morning sun! It leaves by 1:30 and then I pretend to get work done...ha ha ha!

Friday, January 21, 2011